Friday Morning In My Head

As I sit here on my couch just stuck in my own mind I think about what my life has become, what my life is becoming and what my life will become! I believe that I have so many chapters to go through in life and like a book not one chapter looks like the other yet you put them all together at the end and bind it and you can have a wonderous novel in the end. Just be sure to enjoy every single chapter because this book takes a very long time to read and by the end it's too late to rewrite, it's over. Dont be sad about that part though cause it's a glorious legacy to pass on to many generations to come, as long as you write that book well and thoughtfully and confidently I'm sure it will be one to be cherished!
    Right now I'm sitting in the midst of a ending chapter and a new one and it is so frightening. That being said I'm not going to let it stop me from starting that new chapter. I promise it to myself right now that I will let this this new one form and become one of the climaxing points of my story! I for the first time in my life step back and let it be but also for the first time take charge and become the strongest woman I have ever been! For me first and foremost and then also for my children. I want my kids to see a strong woman that doesnt let hate and anger and pain get in her way and through all she chooses love. Love is what moves mountains and brings people together to ultimately make this story the most beautiful one of all. If only you let it be and love each other endlessly without conditions. Love one another through the flaws and try to understand why a person is the way they are. Always remember that everyone is different and was raised differently than you so they are not going to think like you. Have patience when you might not want to and show compassionate love everywhere you go and make that story unforgettable!

    - Breezie 

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